Thursday, July 2, 2009


It is amazing how sometimes a week that seems pretty void on the calendar can so quickly fill up and fly by! That is how this week has been for us. One day after another, one thing spinning to the next, chores piling up - waiting to be done, running from one obligation to the next appointment, to yet another surprise trip somewhere... Suddenly it is Thursday and my week is almost over and somehow I have to find the time to finish some of the chores so that the house is in decent shape for me to work 3 of the next 4 days.

We're amidst a bit of a mystery around here, hoping to get good news, or at least some answers. We're gearing up for a trip in a few weeks, leaving the kids overnight for the first time ever, and I should be preparing, making lists, or even packing. I should be planning a little birthday party for my girl, getting ready to invite some of her friends over for a get-together. We should be relaxing, doing a whole lot of nothing, and just enjoying the summer days... but somehow the freight train of life has been barreling through and we can't jump off.

I feel like I just need a break. I need to catch up. I need to catch my breath. I need to feel like I have some grip of control on something. But I'm just running, best I can, trying to keep up, trying not to get left behind, trying to do a halfway decent job in the process, but constantly feeling like I'm lagging just behind where I want to be. I need a sabbatical. From life. Or maybe a maid. Or both.

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