Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just a Mom! *warning* some gross content ahead!

So, one joy we're experiencing this week is the task of taking a stool sample to the pediatrician's office. Brianna was SO excited, "I get to poop in that hat!" she gleefully explained to her brother. Finally the moment came and the job was done. Now for the task of moving it (with gloves and specimen sticks) to the specimen cup. She was SO curious and absolutely begged to do it herself, and she's pretty dexterous, so I let her have at it. Yes. I did. I set a 3 year old loose with two popsicle-like sticks and a turd, and let her try to move it to a cup. I am proud to say that she did an amazing job. She transferred that poo more skillfully than many of the ER nurses I've worked with over the years. Not a smear outside of the cup, turd totally intact with minimal smushage. Yes, she did great. What a proud mommy moment! HA!

So I said to my able-handed, brilliant, adventurous little angel, "you did a great job with that sweetie! Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up?" To which she matter-of-factly replied, "nope, just a Mom!" How insightful my little love. :)

1 comment:

2 Babes in Boyland said...

Yay Brianna! That takes WAY more skill and composure than I think I possess!! She must get it from her mama!! :o)