Saturday, May 23, 2009

I like it better here!

So yesterday morning I took on the kids in a game of Candy Land, followed by a round of Chutes and Ladders. I have to say that I LOVED playing games with my kids! They are just barely old enough to get the concept and really enjoy it, and I was just in heaven. I look forward to many hours of playing board games, card games, and word games with them. But I digress, so back to the story. So we were just a few moves into the first game of Candy Land. Caleb draws the coveted lollipop card- the one that allowed him to jump past 3/4 of the board and go straight to the "yoyeee pwincess!!!" that is just one turn away from the finish. He was THRILLED, and he just adored putting his playing piece next to that Princess of All Things Sugar. Brianna and I chugged along on the board, one little turn at a time, and every time it got to Caleb's turn he'd draw a card as he was supposed to, but then he'd leave his playing piece right where it was. "No me want to move two blue, me want to stay on pwincess!" So I let him. Turn after turn his little blue piece sat still, right there, always with great opportunities to sail ahead and win before we were halfway through the board. But he wasn't interested. He was in a "happy place" a "comfort zone" and he wasn't budging. Just think- he missed the opportunity to win the prize because he refused to move.
Don't we get that way in life sometimes? I sure know I do. Find a comfort zone and refuse to budge. Sit in a happy place and resist moving from my haunches. God gives me chance after chance to move forward, to reach for his prize, but "No me want to!" If we don't let God grow us, stretch us, and lead us then just imagine the chances we may miss. So I am going to remember the "yoyeee pwincess" when I feel hesitant to take a big move or make steps forward. I'm going to remember Caleb and how comfortable it was there for him, but how many opportunities he missed and how, ultimately, Brianna overtook him and won instead of him (not that he really cared!) But I don't want to ever miss God's prize for me because I refused to leave my comfort zone.  Do you?

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