Friday, September 11, 2009


I suddenly realized it had been a rather LONG time since I had posted here! Sorry!

So I have been in an unsettled place lately. The fun of summer had worn thin, the anticipation of a new school year was large on the horizon, the fun of a big vacation still to come, the uncertainty of some adjustments and tough weeks loomed ahead. C turned three and decided he was suddenly very independent and cared very little what I had to say. This also led to some sibling squabbles that I had been blessed to avoid thus far. So far they are minimal and easily abated, but yes, the day has finally come. They still adore each other and profess to be best friends, but they have figured out what it is to disagree with each other.

School is back in swing, which means more consistent patterns in the neighborhood. Families are back at home, and the faces we know as our community are once again familiar sights. B and C are both in preschool this year, and so far are absolutely loving it. They literally JUMP out of the van during drop off, and trot into school happily exclaiming, "bye mom!" without a second thought. This is good, I know, but I can't say I wouldn't mind a little more remorse as they leave me behind. ;) Having them both in preschool, and knowing that B will be ready for Kindergarten next year, has left me very anxious about how and where they will be schooled. I have started looking into many options, some of which I never would have dreamed of pursuing, but I know God will guide the process. It does prompt some serious anxiety if I allow myself to really think about it!

B is in preschool M,W,F and C goes on M,W. I am still on MOPs leadership, which fills up my 'free' time on Wednesdays. But I am thrilled that I will be free on Monday mornings. Now, mind you, I work pretty much every other Monday, but I don't have to go in until 10:30- which will give me about an hour free on those days. And the Mondays that I don't work I will have a few hours. Today I sent C in since Monday was a holiday this week, so today was officially my first day with "free" time. I came home, got dinner in the crock-pot, aired up the tires on my bike, and went for a 10.8 mile ride. I know. Insane. I haven't ridden my bike in probably 2 years or more. I just eased back in, right? The worst part was that I was on a pretty major road with a pretty nonexistent shoulder and some hills that didn't seem so impressive until I had to pedal up them. Wow. Anyway, this is all part of my figuring out of that triathlon dream will ever come to fruition. I'm certainly not getting any younger! :)

Okay, enough random ramblings. I guess I should go check the crock pot and play a few rounds of Chutes and Ladders before Dad gets home. I'm so glad we're starting to settle into yet another "new normal" around here. I hope it helps allay this restlessness... Uh oh... I hear shouts of "No, sissy!" Better run!

1 comment:

2 Babes in Boyland said...

Good grief!!10.8 miles?!?!? That's amazing! Good for you!!! Enjoy some of that ALONE time!!! :o)