Sunday, October 4, 2009

How deep is your hue?

I found myself pondering the other day... trust me- that can be a scary and unpredictable thing! So anyway, I saw a color swatch- you know what I mean, right? One of those slips you pick up from the paint store, 5 or 6 inches long with as many shades of the same color lined up along it's length. A sample of color, for you to bring home and check out in the lighting where you intend to apply it. Somehow in the twisted depths of my brain, that paint color swatch got me thinking about faith, specifically the depths of faith and growing closer to God. Don't ask, I probably couldn't even begin to figure out how the connection was initially made, but if you stay with me, you might see the connection... eventually.

You see, I was saved many, many years ago. I accepted Jesus as my lord and savior, and I asked him to forgive my sins and save my life. I know that on that day I was saved. I was no longer plain white "base" paint, I had color. The life saving, future changing color of salvation. I had chosen my hue (a nice blue if you like imagery) and I had asked for a squirt of dye. And nothing... nothing anywhere, anytime, can ever take that color away. Spread me as thin as you want, put me in whatever light you wish... I am no longer "white base" but am now "blue." Changed, forever. I'd like to say that from that day forward I was a perfect Christian, never sinning, always growing closer to God through study, prayer, and devotion, and always living exactly as Christ would have lived. Obviously: I wasn't. Honestly I just floated along as "saved" for a long time. Occasionally I'd make a step by doing a Bible study or signing up to serve in one area or another, sometimes I'd make a commitment and stay focused on keeping it- keeping myself in church and fellowship with other believers more regularly. But for the most part I didn't go far. I may have dreamed of a deep, rich, full blue... but in reality I was barely baby blue. A baby Christian for more years that should have been allowed, blessed with "Bible smarts" but not necessarily deeply connected to my God. Thanks to that wonderful and amazing God, I finally woke up. I realized that, although "saved," I wasn't living the way He designed. I wasn't growing the way He desired. I realized that my faith, my salvation, my character meant more to me than a decision in a land far away and a time long ago.

God put people, places, situations, books, studies, and time in my life in just the right way to open my eyes to the pitiful, pale shade of blue that I was letting my life stay. The more I realized how little I had grown the more I yearned to grow more. I disciplined myself for daily Bible reading and devotions, I started learning how to have a fuller prayer life, I tuned in to God's voice in my life, and I started exploring the gifts He gave me and figuring out how to best use them as He desires. And I feel so much deeper now. My heart is more in love with my God than it was the day I made that decision. I have prayed and studied and begged for God to deepen my faith, to grow my spirit, and He has been faithful. He has poured His word, His love, His mercy, His grace, and His wisdom into my life, as color in a paint can, and I am on my way to becoming the shade of blue that I love and desire to be. And what is likely the best part... is that He will never quit until the day of Christ Jesus. He will keep showing up as I seek Him, keep deepening my hue until the day comes when the earthly will pass away. And I will stand before His throne, and my truest desire is to hear the words, "well done." I hope that on that day I will stand, the deepest hue of beautiful blue that I've ever seen.

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