Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesdays Unwrapped

I realize that as of late I have been remiss at posting much of anything on here. There are many varied excuses, some related to the sheer speed at which life seems to by passing by, some piggybacking on recent illnesses that circulated through our home, even one alluding to more personal private journaling taking precedence lately. But alas, the fact remains that I have been remiss. So I'm sorry. In an attempt to restimulate my blogging I have decided to start trying to participate in blog gatherings (aka carnivals) for a while, just to get myself writing here again. I'll start today!

Every Tuesday women gather over at chattingatthesky.com to celebrate the little things, to be grateful for the everday, to practice appreciation for the moments that make up life. So today, I join in. (If you want to learn more click here. )

Today I am pausing to celebrate the way God truly shows up in the details. Even amidst the chaos, the unexpected, the painful, and the challenging moments of life, He is there orchestrating a perfect plan. He looks past the hang ups that slow us down, He works out the details that we overlook, and He provides in a way that we never thought possible. Some skeptics may call it coincidence, or fate, or even good luck. But I know that the God I serve has me in the palm of His hand, He knows my every thought, and He knows the way my week will come together, the way I will work through things that I don't yet even know are coming. I celebrate that as I've grown closer to Him, as I've learned to trust in His ways (that are so much higher than my own), as I've learned to claim the promises of His word, that He has always shown up in the details of my life. He has laid the path for me, removed the obstacles, and some days even picked up my feet for me and kept me walking. What an amazing blessing to serve a God who is so intimately concerned with the moments of my life.

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