Thursday, February 11, 2010


So I got in bed at a reasonable hour last night (well... reasonable as compared to the 4:20am hour of the night before). I got a decent night's sleep. I woke up at a respectable hour this morning. I had my usual cup of morning coffee. Yet I'm still exhausted. I think things have just caught up with me today, and I need to rest. I'm weary of holding my eyes open, but I'm weary of the pressures and burdens I feel I am carrying. I know in my head what I need to do, but my shoulders need a break from the weight of it all.

So, I'm going to log off of this computer, turn on my local Christian radio station, flip on the gas-log fireplace, and curl up under my blanket. I'm hoping God sends some sweet, heart-changing tunes my way, and rocks me off to some much-needed sleep.
I hope your afternoon is equally peaceful.

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