Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Wow, this has been quite the winter for snow and icy weather! We had our first big snow back in December, coinciding with my family's Christmas party. It was crazy fun to sled and tromp togeher with Aunts, Uncles, and cousins in the snow, and crazy insane to drive home in the madness. But we survived and fun was had by all. The second big snow came last weekend, while I was working and P and the kids stayed home to play. I camped out with friends in town after working late, then came home and shoveled and played in the snow. Weekend snow storm take 2 was this weekend, and again I was working, camping out, and working during the worst of the weather. The kids haven't been to school in a week and a half, and the only time they've been away from our yard or house was for a brief 45 minute gymnastics class on Thursday. I think cabin fever is common among our friends, but we're actually doing pretty well around here. I am hopeful that this is a sign that we may actually survive homeschooling next year! (Yes, we're still leaning towards that as our schooling choice!) We've done workbook pages, colored, written Christmas thank-you's (yes, a little behind, but they're done!), taken adventure walks through the woods, built a (now flattened) snowman, done music and reading lessons, painted, read LOTS of books, and done geography studies with our new globe. The kids are actually behaving better overall than I would say they had in weeks past, and my sanity is as secure as ever (not saying much, but hey, what do you want!?!) :)

I'm excitedly looking forward to my women's Bible Study group tonight, we're doing Beth Moore's Esther study. We had a week of because of the weather, during which time I've been devouring Becky Tirabassi's Let Prayer Change your Life. I'm feeling confident that God is moving in my heart, getting ready to launch me into a new season of drawing nearer to Him and leaning on Him in all things. I am filled with nervous anticipation, self doubt, and excitement. Funny how these things work, huh!?!

On another note, this weather isn't very conducive to outdoor exercise! I have recently been considering moving forward in my goal of finishing a sprint-distance triathlon. I have researched local races, looked into training programs, and talked with my big sis about doing it together. (Well, she'll smoke me time-wise, but we'll at least go to the same race on the same day!) I still need to do more research about bikes, find a place to swim, and get outside and do it! I'll train with my mountain bike for now, and watch for opportunities to get a street bike. I'm hoping to find a reasonably priced way to swim (and a time of the week to accomplish this! Ha Ha Ha!) Running is always possible on the treadmill, but I KNOW that I'll have to fit in some street runs sooner than later. Meanwhile I stay on the treadmill alternating hills with speed work.

Okay, so this has been more rambling thoughts than really a post about our winter weather, but hey... you're still reading! *giggle* Okay, this meets my goal of posting more. Like I said, quantity will precede quality. But hopefully someday God will facilitate both hand in hand. For now... have a fantastic day!

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